Dr Andrzej Wojciechowski
hab. Ph.D. Eng.An outstanding expert in the field of construction and operation of machines, material engineering, manufacturing technology and properties of construction materials, transport, recycling of cars and their exploitation products, material recovery, environmental protection and closed circulation management. President of the Polish Scientific Recycling Association, director of the Motor Transport Institute, professor of the Institute of Precision Mechanics. Auditor of the Polish Center for Testing and Certification. A member of numerous scientific organizations, including Polish Society of Ecological Vehicles, Polish Scientific and Technical Society for Exploitation and the Polish Society of Materials Science.
Vice-chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Key Cluster of Waste Management and Recycling. A member of a number of scientific and program councils. Author and co-author of 15 monographs and over 300 scientific and technical publications in foreign and national specialist magazines, over 250 papers prepared for national and foreign scientific conferences. He participated in 67 scientific and research projects, including 32 international ones. He received a number of awards, medals and awards for achievements m.in. in the field of environmentally safe technologies of waste utilization as well as installations and technologies of energy materials recovery.